Posts categorized under: 2018-Spring

Discussion on Advances in Tier-Based Strict Locality

Hi all!

This Friday, March 9th, James Rogers from earlham college is visiting our dept. We will have a free-form discussion and brainstorm of various advances in Tier-Based Strictly Local Languages. No reading is required, though familiarity with formal languages and the Subregular Hierarchy will be helpful. Hope to see …

Adam on Category Theory

Hi all!

This Friday, February 16 Adam will discuss Category Theory and Ologs. a reading is provided in the Google Drive. Hope to see you all there!

Schedule and First Meeting

Hi all!

The meeting time for this semester is Fridays, 11:15-12:15 pm. The next meeting will be held on February 2. Jeff Heinz will give an introduction to Automata Theory, string/tree transductions, and Myhill-Nerode.

Hope to see you all there!