Posts categorized under: 2019-Spring

Wrap-up meeting :)

Hello MLRG friends! As the void of end-of-semester chaos engulfs us all, we gather tomorrow (May 10) for our final meeting of Spring 2019. It will be a pretty laid back wrap-up meeting. Hope to see you there, and thanks for another fun semester of MathLing :)


Subregular Workshop!

Hi all! The week of Subregular Workshop is upon us. From April 18-20 the Computational Phonology Workshop will be held, overlapping with our weekly meeting. Topics include fixed point logics, subregular formal languages, transductions with logic and automata, algorithmic learning, and phonological phenomena (harmony, stress, optionality, and more). It is …

Alëna presenting OSTIA

Hello all! This Friday (March 1) Alëna will be presenting about her implementation of the OSTIA algorithm. This will be part 1, where she will be presenting an introduction/overview. Part 2 will come after the spring break. Hope to see you there! :)

Nazila on island complexity

Hi all! Apologies for the later than usual announcement. Tomorrow (Feb. 15) Nazila will be presenting about island complexity. Afterwards, we'll be hanging out in the seminar room for an InFormal Friday (IFF) gathering, so come by if you'd like to unwind -- bring snacks/drinks if you like! :) Hope to …

No meeting

Hi all! Last week we established our meeting time and rough schedule for this semester. I have created a folder in the shared Google Drive (under 19_Spring) where anyone can drop papers they might want to share with the group. :)

We won't be meeting this week (Feb. 08), so see …

Meeting Time Poll for Spring 2019

Welcome back everyone!

With the start of a new semester, we have to once again agree on a meeting time. As usual, we will meet for one hour each Friday at some time around noon. Please indicate your scheduling constraints at the when2meet poll.

You do not need to create …