Han on tone (5/3)
This week, Han will present her work on tone patterns.
This week, Han will present her work on tone patterns.
This week, Alina will present her work on multiple wh-movement.
This week, Scott will be presenting on the topic of underspecification, presumably of the phonological variety. Hope to see you there!
Due to unforseeable events, Kalina will not be presenting today. Instead, we will think about how ITSL string languages can be learned. Thomas and Logan will lead the discussion.
The department is hosting FASAL this week Thursday through Saturday, so there is no MLRG meeting.
This week, Thomas will give an introductory tutorial on modern Minimalist Grammars. Hope to see you there!
This week, Kenneth will present the model from Heuser et al's NELS talk for learning syntactic islands, how it can be adapted to produce a TSL grammar, and how this derives a version of the height-locality connection.
We will not be meeting this week. Enjoy your spring break!
This week, Thomas will talk about his sudden realization of the (non-)necessity of functional peripheries, and the resulting crisis for his syntactic worldview. What does this mean, and what happens next? You'll just have to come and find out.
This week will be the second of two sessions on MTSL-2 learning. This time, Logan will present his work on learning MTSL-2 tree languages, or if I understand correctly, what is technically a subclass of MTSL-2[TSL-2] tree languages.
For the next two sessions, Logan will talk about learning MTSL-2 languages. This week will focus on strings, and next week will be about his work on learning MTSL-2 tree languages.