Posts categorized under: 2023-Fall
Kenneth on C-Command (Nov 10)
Today, Kenneth will compare c-command with the "d-command" from Graf & Shafiei 2019.
BUFIA on Polish (Oct 13, 1-2pm)
This Friday, we will meet from 1-2pm to accomodate the colloquium schedule. Kalina will present about using BUFIA to learn the phonotactics of Polish consonant clusters.
Updated Schedule Posted
Schedule has been updated. This Friday, Logan will present on BUFIA.
No meeting today. Logan is sick. Schedule to be updated shortly.
BUFIA - Algorithm and Implementation (Sept 29)
Logan will give an overview of the Bottom Up Factor Inference Algorithm (BUFIA) and discuss approaches to efficient implementation.
Automata for Tree TSL pt.2 (Sept 22)
Kenneth and Thomas will continue their presentation on an automata-theoretic perspective on TSL tree languages.
Automata for Tree TSL pt.1 (Sept 15)
Kenneth and Thomas will present an automata-theoretic perspective on TSL tree languages.
Fun has been promised.
Philip on Identification in the Limit from Incomplete Positive Data (Sept 8)
This is a practice talk for FCT 2023, which will be given by Philip Kaelbling.
Robust Identification in the Limit from Incomplete Positive Data Philip Kaelbling, Dakotah Lambert, Jeffrey Heinz
Intuitively, a learning algorithm is robust if it can succeed despite adverse conditions. We examine conditions under which learning algorithms …
First meeting September 1 at 1:15pm
Our Mathematical Linguistics Re(ading|creation) Group (MLRG) will have its first meeting on the first Friday of the semester at 1:15pm:
Friday, September 1, 1:15-2:15pm
We will meet in the CompLab (SBS N-250). We will finalize the time during that meeting, identify a student organizer for …